Minutemin Bootcamp

OpenBSD Jumpstart
OpenBSD IntroBSDIntroduction to OpenBSD 
Configure doasBSDExecute commands as rootCivics Intro
Patch your systemBSDPatch your systemdoas
Installing PackagesBSDInstall new software 
Good QuestionsCivicsHow to Ask Good Questions 
IRC Server
Self-AdminCivicsAdmin your network 
Install ngIRCdIRCInstall an IRC server 
Login classesBSDConfigure login classes 
ngIRCd login classIRCIncrease ngIRCd limits 
Oper GuideIRCOper an IRC Server 
netcat IRCNetworkTroubleshoot IRC with netcat 
netcatNetworkTroubleshoot applications with netcat 
rcctlBSDStart services automatically 
Web Server
Freedom to ForkCivicsFreedom to Fork 
Intro to ChrootBSDLearn about Chroots 
Simple OpenHTTPdWebHost your own web server 
netcat HTTPNetworkTroubleshoot webserver with netcat 
Telnet HTTPNetworkTroubleshoot webserver with telnet 
acme-clientSecurityRequest an SSL cert 
OpenHTTPd TLSWebProvide TLS for webpages 
OpenSSL HTTPNetworkTest TLS for webpages with OpenSSL 
OpenHTTPd PHPWebInstall PHP inside OpenHTTPd chroot 
PMWikiWebSetup your own private wiki 
Multi-user OpenHTTPdWebConfigure webserver for multiple domains 
Open ProxiesWebAvoid blacklists by closing open proxies 
OpenHTTPd PerlWebInstall Perl inside OpenHTTPd chroot 
IRC Network
Free PressCivicsFreedom of Speech and of the Press 
ngircd sslIRCConfigure SSL for your IRCd 
ngircd linkIRCLink your ngIRCd to the network 
Install hopmIRCDetect and ban spammers using an open proxy monitor 
Test hopmIRCTest hopm with telnet 
Install AnopeIRCInstall Anope IRC services 
Install AthemeIRCInstall Atheme IRC services 
IRC Bouncer
Software FreedomCivicsSoftware Freedom 
Chroot ZNCIRCSecurely install ZNC 
TLS AccelerationSecurityProvide TLS for multiple services 
Relayd ZNC WebpanelIRCSetup web panel for ZNC 
TLS Acceleration (multiple)SecurityEncrypt traffic with TLS for multiple services 
Let's Encrypt's Expired CASecurityRemoved Expired CA from Let's Encrypt certificates 
TCP/IP Networking
Religious LibertyCivicsFreedom of Religion 
TCP/IP NetworkingNetworkLearn Basics of TCP/IP 
IPv4 NetworkingNetworkLearn IPv4 Networking 
IPv6 NetworkingNetworkLearn IPv6 Networking 
My IP AddressNetworkWhat's my IP Address? 
pingNetworkTroubleshoot networking with ping 
digNetworkTroubleshoot DNS servers and records 
Static NetworkingNetwork 
RouteNetworkConfigure route paths 
Network Defense
Open For EveryoneCivics  
Packet FilterNetworkSetup firewall with Packet Filter 
DDoS DefenseNetworkDefend against DDoS Attacks 
tcpdumpNetworkRead network packets 
SSDP attackNetwork  
TCP ack floodNetwork  
TCP reset floodNetwork  
UDP FloodNetwork  
amplification attackNetwork  
PF StableNetworkSample PF Firewall for Stable 
PF TestingNetworkSample PF Firewall for Testing 
Packet FilterNetworkPF Guide 
Domain Name Lookup
DNS OverviewDNSLearn the Domain Name System 
unboundDNSConfigure a local caching nameserver 
digDNSTroubleshoot DNS records with dig 
hostDNSTroubleshoot DNS records with host 
Name Server
Become a NetizenCivics  
Netizen RightsCivics  
DNS RecordsDNSUnderstand DNS record types 
Name RegistrarsDNSChoose a name registrar 
Configure NSDDNSConfigure name server for custom domains 
Zone FileDNS  
nsd master slaveDNS  
rDNSDNSConfigure reverse DNS for vhosts and email 
IPv4 rDNSDNSConfigure IPv4 reverse DNS 
IPv6 rDNSDNSConfigure IPv6 reverse DNS 
IRC Hostmasks
Unix Work EthicCivics  
vhostDNSCreate custom vhost 
OidentdSecurityProvide ident to stop abuse 
Oidentd for ZNCSecurityProvide ident for ZNC 
ilinesIRCRequest higher connection limits from IRC networks 
Mail Server
OpenSMTPdMailConfigure your mail server 
DNS for MailMailCreate DNS records for email 
SPFMailConfigure SPF records to avoid the spam folder 
DKIMMailConfigure DKIM records to avoid the SPAM folder 
DMARCMailConfigure DMARC records to block phishing and spam 
netcat SMTPNetworkTroubleshoot SMTP with netcat 
SMTP TestingMailSend a test letter 
Open Mail RelayMailBlock open mail relay to avoid sending spam 
Install DovecotMailInstall POP and IMAP server to read mail 
OpenSSL IMAPNetworkTroubleshoot IMAP with openssl 
SquirrelMailWebInstall webmail 
Install MlmmjMailInstall mailing list 
Support for IRC Bouncers
Servers' RightsCivicsServers' Rights 
Minutemin's CodeCivicsRecite the Code of Honor 
botnowIRCInstall botnow to provide bouncers and shells 
ZNC User's GuideIRCZNC User Guide 
ZNC Admin's GuideIRCZNC Admin Guide 
ZNC SupportIRCZNC Support Guide 
Version Control
Call of DutyCivicsThe Call of Duty 
CVS IntroCodeSet up version control 
CVS ReposCodeManage CVS repos 
AnoncvsCodeProvide anonymous read-only CVS access 
CVSwebCodeProvide read-only CVS web access 
gotCodeSet up got version control (clone of git) 
got repoCodeSet up got repo 
got serverCodeSet up got server 
got mirrorCodeSet up got mirror 
gotwebCodeSet up got web access 
Disk Setup and Backups
Minutemin's ServerCivicsThe Minutemin's Server 
dumpBSDBackup a partition 
openrsyncBSDBackup and sync files 
fdiskBSDPartition Hard Disk 
disklabelBSDPartition Hard Disk 
newdiskBSDAdd a New Hard Disk 
growfsBSDGrow a Disk Partition 
Virtual Machine
VMM User GuideBSDControl your VPS 
VMM InstallBSD  
VMM Linux GuideBSD  
Install OpenBSD 7.1BSDInstall OpenBSD 7.0 
Upgrade OpenBSD 7.1BSDUpgrade OpenBSD 7.0 
OpenBSD 7.1 SysupgradeBSD  
Hosting ProvidersNetworkChoose a Hosting Provider 
bsd.rdBSDInstall/Upgrade/Repair OpenBSD 
Reset root passwordBSDReset root password 
Configure DHCP serverNetwork  
Buyvm GuideBSD  
Linux on VMMBSDInstall Linux on OpenBSD VMM 
IndependenceCivicsDeclaration of Network Independence 
ConstitutionCivicsRead the Constitution and Bill of Rights 
United We ServeCivics  
PrivacyCivicsRight to Privacy 
Free Homestead VPSCivics  
Made on IRCCivics  
The Startup DreamCivics  
Due ProcessCivics  
Checks and BalancesCivics  
Rule by LawCivics  
chrooted sftpNetworkChroot sftp server for secure file hosting 
portsBSDInstall software from ports tree 
ntpdNetworkUpdate date and time from network automatically 
Stopping Abuse
Police GuideSecurityInvestigation techniques to report criminals 
Abuse FingerprintingSecurityInvestigation techniques to detect abusers 
Team SecuritySecurityPrevent security leaks 
Manage PasswordsShellCreate secure passwords 
Encrypt FilesShellEncrypt files with OpenSSL 
Create PGP key?SecurityCreate PGP key 
Verify signatureSecurityVerify PGP signature for email and software 
signifySecurityVerify OpenBSD software 
File PermissionsSecurityFix insecure file permissions 
VPNs and Proxies
ikedNetworkProvide IPSec VPNs 
VPN clientsSecurityConfigure IPSec VPN client 
torsocksSecurityConnect with tor to cloak IP address 
IRC with TorSecurityConnect to IRC with tor 
Hidden ServicesSecurityProvide tor hidden services 
Secure Shell
sshd?SecurityConfigure and start sshd 
OpenSSHSecurityConfigure ssh and connect securely 
Generate SSH KeysSecurityGenerate SSH keys 
SSH keysSecurityVerify ssh keys 
SSH backdoorSecurityConfigure ssh side channel to avoid DDoS 
Further Reading
OpenBSD BooksBSDOpenBSD recommended reading 
Unix BooksBSDUnix recommended reading 
DogfoodingCivicsEat your own dogfood 
Welcome to the TeamCivicsLearn Team Responsibilities 
Testing ServersCivicsLearn Team Procedure for Testing 
Claim NetworksCivicsClaim Team Networks 
IRCNow RoadmapCivicsPlan for IRCNow 
AnnouncementsCivicsAnnounce downtime and updates for users