Join the 9Force

Join the 9Force! Attach:Marketing/madeonirc.png

Your Reward

  1. Become staff on the Inter9
  2. Learn Plan 9 by practicing on servers
  3. Hang out with a community of like-minded Plan 9 enthusiasts
  4. Improve freedom on the internet
  5. Write and deploy code for the network
  6. Add your coding projects to your CV/resume

How to Apply

  1. Join us over on IRC on one of our servers on #plan9
  2. Send an email to
  3. Subscribe to the 9force mailing list by sending an email to:
  4. If you have your own Plan 9 servers, you can use your own hardware.
  5. We can provide a Plan 9 virtual private server if you can provide verification using one of the methods below:
    1. Find a mutual friend who can refer you to IRCNow staff, OR
    2. Contribute 2 wiki articles, OR
    3. Share a code project you've worked on, OR
    4. Share a personal social media/website/blog you write for
  6. You get two weeks to complete your first task in the training. As you finish tasks, you get bonus extensions of time.
  7. After you finish training, you'll get interviewed; if you qualify, you'll be promoted to staff!

Your Duties

  1. Keep in regular contact with us on IRC and email
  2. Commit to help your team as many hours as needed to complete your duty
  3. Finish the training.
  4. Help with user support, documentation, and basic coding