Configuring IPv6 rDNS using NSD


Many internet protocols require your address' rDNS to match forward DNS to work properly. For IRC, proper rDNS is required for your vhost to load properly. For email, proper rDNS is required to avoid being marked as spam. In this guide, we use nsd, an authoritative name server, to provide rDNS.


nsd comes as part of openbsd base so no installation will be necessary.

NOTE: This guide assumes you have already configured nsd for forward DNS resolution.

Docs and references

Consult the man pages for nsd, nsd.conf, nsd-checkconf, and nsd-checkzone.

DNS for Rocket Scientists and The TCP/IP Guide are helpful resources for further reading.


IPv6 Subnet

Suppose we have been delegated the rDNS zone for our IPv6 subnet, 2001:db8:1::/48. To find out our zone, we need to fill in all the missing zeros, put periods between each digit, reverse the digits, then add ip6.arpa:

WARNING: You must fill in all missing zeros!

2001:db8:1:: # original subnet is /48
2001:0db8:0001:: # fill in the missing zeros up to the /48 subnet # add periods between each digit # reverse the digits # add ip6.arpa

Here's a second example with the subnet 2602:fccf:1:1::/64:

2602:fccf:1:1:: # original subnet
2602:fccf:0001:0001:: # fill in the missing zeros up to the /64 subnet # add periods between each digit # reverse the digits # add ip6.arpa

NOTE: Your zone must have subnet divided by 4 number of hex digits. If you have a /48 subnet, this means you will have 48/4 = 12 hex digits. If you have a /64 subnet, you will have 64/4 = 16 hex digits.

Here is a command to do this:

$ perl -e 'print substr(join(".",(split//,sprintf("%032s", scalar reverse(join("", map(sprintf("%04s", $_), split(":", "<IP6>"))))))),(64-<SUBNET>/2)).".ip6.arpa.\n";'

You need to replace <IP6> with your real IP address and <SUBNET> with your subnet length. For example, if you had the IPv6 address 2001:db8:1:: with a /48 subnet, you would type this into the command line:

$ perl -e 'print substr(join(".",(split//,sprintf("%032s", scalar reverse(join("", map(sprintf("%04s", $_), split(":", "2001:db8:1::"))))))),(64-48/2)).".ip6.arpa\n";'

So, you know the name of your zone file is /var/nsd/zones/master/

Zone File

Inside the zone file /var/nsd/zones/master/, we create these records:

@       3600    IN      SOA     ns1.example.com. admin.example.com. (
                2021082301 1800 3600 1209600 3600 )
        3600    IN      NS      ns1.example.com.
        3600    IN      NS      ns2.example.com.         3600    IN      PTR     user1.example.com.         3600    IN      PTR     user2.example.com.

The records must have 32 - $SUBNET/4 hex digits. For example, if your subnet is length 48, then your records will have 32 - 48/4 = 20 hex digits. If you subnet length is 64, then your records will have 32 - 64/4 = 16 hex digits.

NOTE: All of the PTR records should have values that end with a final dot . -- they should be fully qualified domain names. Without a terminating dot, a record like:         3600    IN      PTR     user2

would have $ORIGIN appended to it, so it would be interpreted as user2. This is probably not what you intended!


Now we need to add this section to /var/nsd/etc/nsd.conf:

        name: ""
        zonefile: "master/"

Restart nsd and test

$ doas rcctl restart nsd


We now test using host or dig:

host 2001:db8:1:: <nameserver-ip>

Replace <nameserver-ip> with your actual nameserver IP. Once you have confirmed this is working, you can then ask to have your zone delegated to your nameserver.

You can then test if both forward and reverse DNS lookup work by using netcat to connect to IRC.