
ZNC Skins

1 - Download this file . there are 17 skins inside it.

2 - you will need to upload and merge two folders that you will find after extracting master.zip: modules - webskins 3 - login to your account with your ssh client

I used smartftp to upload the folders and merge them so first type (to be able to upload the files with ftp program):

$ doas chown -R user:daemon /home/znc/usr/local/share/znc

4 - login to your account with a sftp client like smartftp

5 - go to directory /home/znc/usr/local/share/znc and upload merge these two folders: modules - webskins

6 - after finishing uploading the folders type in terminal:

$ doas chown -R root:wheel /home/znc/usr/local/share/znc

now you will find the new skins inside your znc account. you can change the znc favicon if you want, it's under
