
Psotnic install guide


Psotnic is an IRCnet bot written in C++. The main goal of the project was to create a fast, stable and easy to use bot.


Psotnic is not available in the ports of OpenBSD 7.2, therefore it must be built from source.

  1. Grab the source code from the official repository:
$ curl -OJL
$ tar -xzvf psotnic-0.2.14
$ cd psotnic-0.2.14
  1. Apply the patch for OpenBSD 7.2:
$ curl -s | patch --posix -p1
The patch includes few type castings and enabling clang as default compiler along with required compiler flag changes.
  1. Configure compilation options and build the binary:
$ ./configure && make dynamic
  1. To verify a successful build go to ./bin directory and run the binary.
$ cd ./bin
$ ./psotnic
You should see the following output if the build is valid:
Syntax: ./psotnic [-v] [-a] [-p] [-n] [-c decrypted config] [crypted config]


As a demonestration we will use a dafault config for a bot to connect tor IRCNow server.

  1. Generate a hash of your main password for the bot, using:
$ echo "mymainpassword" | ./psotnic -p
The output would be similar to the this:
Psotnic C++ edition, version 0.2.14-ipv6 (rev: UNKNOWN, build: May 21 2023 09:00:38)
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Grzegorz Rusin <>
If you find this software useful please donate at

[*] Bot is now running in MD5 hash generator mode
[?] String to hash: [*] MD5 hash      : 9dc275cb3ffdb686407934814bc5771c
  1. Create a config file named samplebot.cfg with the following content:
nick samplebot
realname Sample Bot
altnick samplebot
server 6667
listen 62450
ownerpass 9dc275cb3ffdb686407934814bc5771c
Replace the value for ownerpass with the hash obtained from the previous step.
  1. Next, encrpyt the raw config file using:
$ ./psotnic -c samplebot.cfg
  1. Now, run the bot with the encrypted config file:
$ ./psotnic samplebot.cfg
  1. Create the bot owner on the first run with every new config use telnet:
$ telnet localhost 62450
Type in the owner password from the first step and create the user by specifying a name and a password.
Alternatively, you could directly message the bot on one of the IRC servers from the config file as follows:
/msg samplebot mainowner <OWNERNAME> <PASSWORD>

See also: