Orange Todo list

NOTE: Please practice first on before attempting any of these major changes on the stable server.


  1. Setup a way to collect money in your country -- perhaps Paypal, Patreon, Skrill, Payza, Stripe, etc. You need a way to collect donations.
  2. Practice installing OpenBSD 6.8 on Vmm and read the VMM User's Guide. You also need to be familiar with the bsd.rd guide.
  3. Be familiar with how to add a new disk and how to back up files
  4. Read up on the ZNC admin's guide
  5. Read up on the ZNC user's guide?

Be familiar:

  1. jrmu upgraded to Openbsd 6.8 and added for multiprocessor support because team orange took too long. Please be familiar with the BuyVM guide, and the OpenBSD 6.8 Install guide.
  2. jrmu upgraded to znc version 1.8.2 because team orange took too long
  3. jrmu configured the firewall because team orange took too long; please read and be familiar with how to configure the firewall
  4. How to fix your open proxies
