

Course outcomes:

- learn to log in to OpenBSD in command line. use basic commands and a text editor - learn to set up a chat server, web server, bouncer, and domain names - learn to compile and edit configuration files - learn to troubleshoot services which are not configured correctly, such as read manuals and log files

Course components:

- openbsd.ngircd - connect to your ircd and link it with someone else

- openbsd.hopm - check that it detects and bans tor

- openbsd.openhttpd - publish a 'hello world' web page

- openbsd.acme-client - make "https://your vps address" work without cert errors

- openbsd.znc - create account for yourself and join a channel. log in the web panel once.

- openbsd.relayd - get a second subdomain; "https://your vps address" will show your httpd and "https://your other subdomain" will show your znc web panel

- openbsd.oidentd - install and set it up for znc. check that it overrides users' preferences for username

- Openbsd.Eggdrop - install and join to #test with any tcl plugin you like

- Openbsd.nsd - install and add 'mytest' subdomain to your vps hostname address

- Openbsd.opensmtpd - send and receive one email

- Openbsd.Vhost - connect to irc with a custom vhost once

- Openbsd.opensmtpd - send one email message from your vps to your personal email address

- Openbsd.dovecot - ???

- ??? - configure email client with smtp and imap. Send a test message, and receive a test message.

How can I use CPAN as a non-root user?

"The easiest method I have found so far is to say

wget -O- | perl - -l ~/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib
eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`
echo 'eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH' >> ~/.profile

This assumes your profile is named .profile, you may need to change that to be .bash_profile, .bashrc, etc. After that you can install modules by saying

cpanm Module::Name

and simply use them the same way you would if the were installed in the root directories." --Juan A. Navarro, brian d foy, 2010


