Ight this is Hopm,
(fancy subtitle): Now with init!
So ehh, I don't know how to write things professionally but:
<jrmu> ok can you put it on the wiki? You can create a new page or add a new page to the almanack, or add it to the end of https://wiki.ircnow.org/?n=Hopm.Install
<jrmu> maybe add a new section and keep the old content intact until you are 100% sure it is a full replacement
So first of all I'll give you the 1:1 without cleaning it up (not sorry) but be warned it will not work unless you use my weird HOPM build as well.
#!/bin/ksh daemon="/usr/local/bin/hopm" daemon_user="_hopm" daemon_flags="-c ../../../../etc/hopm -d" # Do not include .conf as per https://github.com/ircd-hybrid/hopm/blob/1.1.x/INSTALL.md . /etc/rc.d/rc.subr # I could write this a better place but I chose to do it here. # Reloading HOPM _WILL_ kill it. # Aparently theres a bug in HOPM so it has to run in debug mode. It might have something to do with my weird configure flags :) rc_cmd $1
You're going to want to place that in a file located at /etc/rc.d/hopm You must ensure root can read and execute that file.
Secondly a user named _hopm with the homedir builds the the HOPM program with the configure flags "--bindir=/usr/local/bin --prefix=/var/hopm/hopm --localstatedir=/var"
Your hopm conf is now located at /etc/hopm.conf (You have to create it yourself, see <insert jrmu's HOPM guide here>)
Ensure /var/log/scan.log and /var/log/hopm.log and /var/run/hopm.pid is readable and writeable by _hopm
And that should be it just `$ rcctl start hopm' and you'll be good to go, and if you're scared of crashes you can add `*/5 * * * * rcctl check hopm || rcctl start hopm' to roots crontab
Currently known bugs: reloading = crash and startup takes a while because of debug flag.
Heres an ansible task for the smart and lazy (make sure hopm.version is 1.1.10 or the current latest:
--- # Note to future contributer (probably just me): This file is getting long, I want to seperate its modules soon[tm]. - name: Create HOPM service account. user: name: _hopm password: '*' comment: "HOPM Daemon" shell: "/sbin/nologin" home: "/var/hopm" - name: Does hopm-$relase exist? stat: name: "/var/hopm/hopm-{{ hopm.release }}" register: does_hopm_release_exist - name: Install dependency packages. openbsd_pkg: name: "{{ packages }}" vars: packages: - gtar-- - gmake tags: packages - name: Build HOPM. block: - name: Download HOPM source code tar file. get_url: url: "https://github.com/ircd-hybrid/hopm/archive/refs/tags/{{ hopm.release }}.tar.gz" dest: "/var/hopm/{{ hopm.release }}.tar.gz" - name: Unarchive HOPM source code tar file. unarchive: src: "/var/hopm/{{ hopm.release }}.tar.gz" dest: "/var/hopm/" remote_src: true - name: Delete HOPM source code tar file. file: name: "/var/hopm/{{ hopm.release }}.tar.gz" state: absent - name: $ ./configure shell: cmd: "/var/hopm/hopm-{{ hopm.release }}/configure --bindir=/usr/local/bin --prefix=/var/hopm/hopm --localstatedir=/var" chdir: "/var/hopm/hopm-{{ hopm.release }}/" - name: $ gmake # We _need_ to use gmake for unknown reason. Ask the HOPM devs. shell: cmd: "gmake" chdir: "/var/hopm/hopm-{{ hopm.release }}/" become: true become_user: "_hopm" when: not does_hopm_release_exist.stat.exists - name: $ gmake install shell: cmd: "gmake install" chdir: "/var/hopm/hopm-{{ hopm.release }}/" when: not does_hopm_release_exist.stat.exists - name: HOPM file prequsits. file: path: "{{ item }}" owner: _hopm group: wheel mode: '644' # QUOTES ARE IMPORTENT FOR SANITY. state: touch loop: - /var/log/scan.log - /var/log/hopm.log - /var/run/hopm.pid when: not does_hopm_release_exist.stat.exists - name: Copy rc.d/hopm copy: src: rc.d/hopm dest: /etc/rc.d/hopm owner: root group: wheel mode: '755' # Must be quoted like this! - name: Copy hopm.conf (template). template: src: hopm.conf.j2 dest: /etc/hopm.conf owner: _hopm group: wheel mode: 464 notify: Restart hopm - name: Add HOPM to logrotation list. blockinfile: name: /etc/newsyslog.conf block: | # HOPM /var/log/scan.log _hopm:wheel 644 3 * $D Z "pkill -USR1 hopm" /var/log/hopm.log _hopm:wheel 644 3 * $D Z "pkill -USR1 hopm" - name: Add HOPM autorestart to root's crontab. cron: minute: "*/5" job: "rcctl check hopm || rcctl start hopm" name: "irc_hopm_autorestart"