
ImageMagick- image processing tools
TclCurl-7.19.6p7    Tcl bindings for Curl
aom-3.3.0p1         Alliance for Open Media AV1 video codec
argon2-20190702     C implementation of Argon2 - password hashing function
aria2-1.36.0        lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source download utility
aspell-  spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell
autoconf-2.69p3     automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
automake-1.11.6p3   GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
avahi-libs-0.8p2    libraries and common data files for avahi
bash-5.1.16         GNU Bourne Again Shell
blas-3.8.0p0        Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
boehm-gc-8.0.4      garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
boost-1.78.0v0      free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
brotli-1.0.9p0      generic lossless compressor
bzip2-1.0.8p0       block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
c-client-2.25p3v0   UW c-client mail access routines
cairo-1.17.6        vector graphics library
catgirl-2.1p0       curses TLS-only IRC client
cblas-1.0p7         C interface to the BLAS library
clisp-2.49p5        ANSI Common Lisp implementation
cloc-1.90           count lines of code
cmake-3.20.3p6v0    portable build system
colorls-6.9         ls(1) that can use color to display file attributes
cppcheck-2.7        C/C++ static checker
cups-libs-2.4.1p0   CUPS libraries and headers
curl-7.84.0         transfer files with FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.
cvsps-2.1p2         generate patchsets from CVS repositories
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28   RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
darkhttpd-1.13      simple and small webserver intended for ad-hoc usage
dav1d-1.0.0         small and fast AV1 decoder
db-4.6.21p7v0       Berkeley DB package, revision 4
dbus-1.14.0v0       message bus system
dbus-tcl-2.2p0      dbus bindings for Tcl
desktop-file-utils-0.26 utilities for dot.desktop entries
detex-2.8.1         strip TeX/LaTeX codes from a file
diffutiltcl-0.4.0   diff functions for Tcl
djvulibre-3.5.28p0  view, decode and encode DjVu files
dkimproxy-1.4.1p1   SMTP proxy to verify or add DKIM signatures
dmidecode-3.3p1     dump DMI/SMBIOS contents in human-readable format
dos2unix-7.4.2      convert DOS/MAC files to UNIX (line-endings/charset)
dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
dovecot-pigeonhole-0.5.19p0v1 Sieve mail filtering for Dovecot
drawterm-20211008   Plan9 terminal emulator
dtach-0.9           tiny program emulating the detach feature of screen
dvi2tty-5.3.1p0     converts .dvi files to plain text
dvtm-0.15p0         tiling window management for the console
emacs-27.2p4-no_x11 GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
femail-1.0p1        simple SMTP client
femail-chroot-1.0p3 simple SMTP client for chrooted web servers
ffcall-1.10p5       foreign function call libraries
ffmpeg-4.4.1p3v1    audio/video converter and streamer
fftw3-3.3.8p1       C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
fftw3-common-3.3.8p1 common files for the fftw3 packages
figlet-2.2.5        generates ASCII banner art
flock-20110525p1    flock(2) manager for shell scripts
fltk-1.3.3p3        Fast-Light Tool Kit
fmt-8.0.1           alternative formatting library for C and C++
fpc-3.2.2           open source compiler for Pascal/Object Pascal
fribidi-1.0.11      library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
g++-8.4.0p11        GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
gcc-8.4.0p11        GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
gcc-libs-8.4.0p11   GNU compiler collection: support libs
gd-2.3.2            library for dynamic creation of images
gdb-9.2p1           GNU debugger
gdiff-3.8           GNU versions of the diff utilities
gdk-pixbuf-2.42.8   image data transformation library
gettext-runtime-0.21p1 GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
gettext-tools-0.21p1 GNU gettext development and translation tools
ghostscript-9.55.0p1 PostScript and PDF interpreter
ghostscript-fonts-8.11p3 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name aliases
giflib-5.1.6        tools and library routines for working with GIF images
git-2.35.1p0        distributed version control system
glib2-2.70.5        general-purpose utility library
gmake-4.3           GNU make
gmp-6.2.1p0         library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnuchess-6.2.9      chess program
gnupg-2.2.36        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnutls-3.7.4p0      GNU Transport Layer Security library
go-1.17.7           Go programming language
gomuks-0.2.4        terminal Matrix client written in Go
gpgme-1.17.1        GnuPG Made Easy
graphite2-1.3.14    rendering for complex writing systems
gsm-1.0.19          GSM audio codec library and converter
gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.33 gtk+ icon theme caching utility
gtypist-2.9.5p3     interactive typing tutor
harfbuzz-4.2.0      text shaping library
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17 fallback theme of the icon theme specification
htop-3.1.2          interactive process viewer
icu4c-70.1v0        International Components for Unicode
icu4c-wwwdata-70.1v0 ICU data file for use with /var/www chroot jails
ii-1.7p3            minimalist IRC client
ijs-0.35p3          raster image transmission library
ircII-20210314      Internet Relay Chat client
irssi-1.2.3         modular IRC client with many features
jansson-2.13.1      library for manipulating JSON data
jasper-3.0.3        reference implementation of JPEG-2000
jbig2dec-0.19       decoder for JBIG2 monochrome hi-res image compression format
jbigkit-2.1         lossless image compression library, with lightweight version
jpeg-2.1.3v0        SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec replacement of libjpeg
jq-1.6p0            lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
jsoncpp-1.9.5       JSON parsing C++ API
kakoune-2021.11.08  modal code editor with a focus on interactivity
lame-3.100p1        lame ain't an MP3 encoder
lcdf-typetools-2.108p0 tools to manipulate font files
lcms2-2.12          color management library
leafnode-1.11.12    USENET software package designed for small sites
libarchive-3.6.0p1  multi-format archive and compression library
libass-0.15.2       portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libassuan-2.5.5     IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libb2-0.98.1v0      library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libcares-1.18.1     asynchronous resolver library
libde265-1.0.7p0    open H.265 video codec implementation
libevent-2.1.12     event notification library
libexif-0.6.24      extract digital camera info tags from JPEG images
libexttextcat-3.4.6 UTF-8 aware language guessing library
libffi-3.3p1        Foreign Function Interface
libgcrypt-1.10.1    crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgdiplus-6.0.5p0  GDI+ comptible API
libgpg-error-1.44   error codes for GnuPG related software
libheif-1.12.0      HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder
libiconv-1.16p0     character set conversion library
libident-0.32p1     library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libidn-1.38         internationalized string handling
libidn2-2.3.0p0     implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libixp-0.4p2        stand-alone client/server 9P library
libksba-1.6.0       X.509 library
libmpc-1.1.0        arbitrary-precision complex numbers math library
libnettle-3.7.3     cryptographic library
libogg-1.3.5        Ogg bitstream library
libopensmtpd-0.7    library for writing opensmtpd filters
libotr-4.1.1p2      portable OTR messaging library and toolkit
libpaper-1.1.28     library for handling paper characteristics
libpsl-0.21.1       public suffix list library
libraw-0.20.2       library for reading RAW files
libsamplerate-0.2.2p0 audio sample rate conversion library
libsecret-0.20.5    library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets
libsignal-protocol-c-2.3.3 ratcheting forward secrecy protocol
libsigsegv-2.12     library for handling page faults in user mode
libslang-2.3.2      stack-based interpreter for terminal applications
libsodium-1.0.18p1  library for network communications and cryptography
libssh-0.9.6        C library implementing server and client side SSH
libssh2-1.10.0p0    library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libstemmer-2.1.0    stemming algorithms for text processing
libstrophe-0.11.0   simple, lightweight XMPP C library
libtasn1-4.18.0     Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library
libtermkey-0.22     library for processing of keyboard entry from a terminal
libtextstyle-0.21p1 text styling library
libtheora-1.2.20190601p0 open video codec
libunbound-1.15.0   validating DNS resolver library
libunistring-0.9.7  manipulate Unicode strings
libusb1-1.0.23p2    library for USB device access from userspace
libuv-1.44.1        multi-platform library for asynchronous I/O
libv4l-1.20.0p1     libv4l userspace library
libvidstab-1.1.0    video stabilization library
libvorbis-1.3.7     audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.11.0p1v0   Google VP8/VP9 video codec
libwebp-1.2.2       Google WebP image format conversion tool
libxml-2.9.13p0     XML parsing library
libzip-1.8.0p0      library for reading, creating and modifying zip archives
links+-2.25-no_x11  graphics and text browser
llvm-13.0.0p2       modular, fast C/C++/ObjC compiler, static analyzer and tools
lua-5.1.5p7         powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.1.5)
lua-5.3.6           powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.3.6)
lua53-lpeg-1.0.2p0  parsing expression grammars library for lua
luajit-2.0.5pl20210608 just-in-time compiler for Lua
lynx-2.8.9rel1p0    text web browser
lz4-1.9.3p0         fast BSD-licensed data compression
lzo2-2.10p2         portable speedy lossless data compression library
mariadb-client-10.6.8v1 multithreaded SQL database (client)
mariadb-server-10.6.8v1 multithreaded SQL database (server)
mc-4.8.27           free Norton Commander clone with many useful features
meson-0.62.0v0      next-generation build system
metaauto-1.0p4      wrapper for gnu auto*
mktorrent-1.1       command-line .torrent file creator
mono-   cross platform, open source .NET developement framework
mpfr-4.1.0          library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
msgpack-2.1.5p0     MessagePack implementation for C and C++
mtr-0.94v0          network diagnostic tool, similar to ping and traceroute
mutt-2.2.3v3-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client
nano-6.2            simple editor, inspired by Pico
nasm-2.15.05        general-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
nghttp2-1.47.0      library for HTTP/2
ngircd-26.1         lightweight irc server
ninja-1.10.2p1      small build system with a focus on speed
node-16.14.2        JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
npth-1.6            new GNU Portable Threads Library
oidentd-2.0.8p1     ident daemon with custom responses and NAT support
olm-3.2.6           Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++
oniguruma-   regular expressions library
openjp2-2.4.0       open-source JPEG 2000 codec library
openldap-client-2.4.59p1v0 open-source LDAP software (client)
opensmtpd-extras-6.7.1v0 extras for smtpd
opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign-0.5 dkim signer integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-filter-rspamd-0.1.7p0 rspamd integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
openssl-1.1.1o      TLS/SSL library and tools
opus-1.3.1          IETF audio codec
p11-kit-0.24.1      library for loading and enumerating PKCS#11 modules
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1903p1 interface to compute differences between two objects
p5-Any-Moose-0.18p0 use Moose or Mouse modules
p5-Archive-Zip-1.68 perl interface to ZIP files
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.26 execute code after a scope finished compilation
p5-BSD-Resource-1.2911p0 BSD process resource limit and priority functions
p5-Bot-BasicBot-0.93p0 simple irc bot baseclass
p5-Class-Accessor-0.51p0 automated accessor generation
p5-Class-DBI-3.0.16p3 simple database abstraction
p5-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.11p2 extensions to Class::DBI for SQLite
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.09 inheritable, overridable class data
p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.04p0 base class for error handling
p5-Class-Inspector-1.36p0 get information about a class and its structure
p5-Class-Load-0.25p0 working 'require Class::Name' and more
p5-Class-Load-XS-0.10p1 XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.13p0 provides Moose-like method modifiers
p5-Class-Singleton-1.6 perl singleton pattern
p5-Class-Tiny-1.008 minimalist class construction
p5-Class-Trigger-0.14p0 add / call inheritable triggers
p5-Class-XPath-1.4p2 xpath matching for object trees
p5-Clone-0.45       recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Clone-PP-1.08    Recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Convert-BinHex-1.125p0 module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.27 cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09p0 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess-0.15 guess OpenSSL include path
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.32 RSA encoding and decoding using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.15 routines for accessing the OpenSSL prng
p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72p3 library to provide LWP https support via OpenSSL
p5-Curses-1.32p1    terminal screen handling and optimisation
p5-Curses-UI-0.9609p1 curses based user interface framework for Perl
p5-DBD-MariaDB-1.21p3 MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
p5-DBD-SQLite-1.70v0 SQLite drivers for the Perl DBI
p5-DBI-1.643p0      the standard database interface module for Perl
p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03p3 add contextual fetches to DBI
p5-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.023 less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
p5-Data-IEEE754-0.02p1 pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
p5-Data-OptList-0.112 parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
p5-Data-Perl-0.002011 base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
p5-Data-Printer-0.40p0 colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.30 ipv4 and ipv6 validation methods
p5-DateTime-1.54v0  date and time object for Perl
p5-DateTime-Locale-1.33 localization support for
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-2.51 DateTime submodule for TZ
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14p0 expose the flag which marks global destruction
p5-Devel-OverloadInfo-0.007 introspect overloaded operators
p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.04 an object representing a stack trace
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.04 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9p0 perl implementation of Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm
p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11p0 declare version conflicts for your dist
p5-Encode-Detect-1.01p8 Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05p0 determine the locale encoding
p5-Error-0.17029    error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
p5-Eval-Closure-0.14p0 safely and cleanly create closures via string eval 
p5-Exception-Class-1.45 module to declare real exception classes in perl
p5-Expect-1.35p0    talk to other applications
p5-Expect-Simple-0.04p1 wrapper around the Expect module
p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.002002p0 exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter
p5-File-HomeDir-1.006 retrieve home directory location
p5-File-Listing-6.14 parse directory listing
p5-File-ShareDir-1.118 locate install data per-module
p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.13p0 install shared files, to use with File::ShareDir
p5-File-Which-1.27  portable implementation of 'which' in Perl
p5-FreezeThaw-0.5001p0 module for converting structures to strings and back
p5-GeoIP2-2.006002p1 Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
p5-GnuPG-Interface-1.02 perl5 interface to GnuPG
p5-HTML-Parser-3.77 modules to parse and extract information from HTML
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20p2 data tables useful for parsing HTML
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.10 HTTP Cookie jars
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.14 simple http server class
p5-HTTP-Date-6.02p0 date conversion routines
p5-HTTP-Message-6.31 HTTP Style Messages
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01p0 choose a variant to serve
p5-IO-HTML-1.004    open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
p5-IO-Interface-1.09p2 module for access to network card configuration information
p5-IO-Pipely-0.005p1 portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles
p5-IO-SessionData-1.03p0 supporting module for SOAP::Lite
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.73 object interface for AF_INET and AF_INET6 domain sockets
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.074 Perl SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface
p5-IO-String-1.08p3 emulate IO::File interface for in-core strings
p5-IO-Tty-1.16      provide an interface to create pseudo ttys
p5-IO-stringy-2.113 in-core objects like strings and arrays for I/O
p5-IPC-Run3-0.048p0 run a subprocess in batch mode
p5-IRC-Utils-0.12p1 common utilities for IRC-related tasks
p5-Ima-DBI-0.35p1   database connection caching and organization
p5-JSON-4.05        parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
p5-JSON-MaybeXS-1.004003 use Cpanel::JSON::XS or JSON::XS or JSON::PP
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02p0 Guess url media type
p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.10 adds support for https to p5-libwww
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.905 convert singular to plural, select a or an
p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger-0.31p0 part-of-speech tagger for EN natural language processing
p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.02p0 Portuguese language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-2.31 stemming of words
p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr-0.02p2 French language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-It-0.02p0 Italian language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.04p0 Russian language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da-1.01p2 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No-1.2p0 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se-1.2p0 Porters stemming algorithm for Sweden
p5-List-AllUtils-0.18 combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy
p5-List-SomeUtils-0.58p1 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-SomeUtils-XS-0.58p1 XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
p5-List-UtilsBy-0.11p0 higher-order list utility functions
p5-MIME-tools-5.509p0 modules for parsing (and creating) MIME entities
p5-MLDBM-2.05p0     store multi-level hash structure in single-level tied hash
p5-MRO-Compat-0.13p0 mro::* interface compatibility for Perl < 5.9.5
p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20210915 object oriented Authentication-Results headers
p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20200907 DKIM and DomainKeys message-signing implementation
p5-Mail-SPF-2.9.0p2 perl oop implementation of Sender Policy Framework
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.4.6 mailfilter to identify and mark spam
p5-Mail-Tools-2.21p0 modules for handling mail with perl
p5-Math-Base-Convert-0.11p0 very fast base to base conversion
p5-MaxMind-DB-Common-0.040001p1 code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-1.000014p1 read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.56p0 expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
p5-Module-Implementation-0.09p0 loads one of several alternate module implementations
p5-Module-Runtime-0.016p0 runtime module handling
p5-Moo-2.004004     Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
p5-MooX-HandlesVia-0.001009 NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo
p5-MooX-StrictConstructor-0.011 blow up Moo-based object constructors on unknown attributes
p5-MooX-late-0.100  perl extension to easily translate Moose code to Moo
p5-Moose-2.2201     postmodern object system for Perl 5
p5-Mouse-2.5.10p0   Moose minus the antlers
p5-Mozilla-CA-Fake-20140330 access system SSL certificate bundle from Perl
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.22 Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
p5-Net-DNS-1.33     perl interface to the domain name system
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.009p0 programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
p5-Net-Daemon-0.49  extension for portable daemons
p5-Net-HTTP-6.19    Perl HTTP connection client
p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12p2 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
p5-Net-Patricia-1.22p2 Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.92p2 Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL
p5-Net-Server-2.010 extensible framework for Perl server engines
p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079p0 manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
p5-Object-Pluggable-1.29p1 base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
p5-POE-1.368        portable multitasking and networking framework for perl
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.054p0 DNS module for the Perl Object Environment
p5-POE-Component-IRC-6.90p0 event-driven IRC-client module
p5-POE-Component-SSLify-1.012p1 make use of SSL with POE
p5-POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06p1 module which implements the Observer pattern for POE
p5-POE-Filter-IRCD-2.44p1 POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
p5-POE-Filter-Zlib-2.04p0 POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
p5-POE-Test-Loops-1.360p0 reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
p5-Package-DeprecationManager-0.17p0 manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
p5-Package-Stash-0.39 routines for manipulating stashes
p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.29p0 faster and more correct implementation of Package::Stash
p5-Parallel-ForkManager-1.19p0 simple parallel processing fork manager
p5-Params-Util-1.07p2 utility to make parameter checking easier
p5-Params-Validate-1.30 validate method/function parameters
p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30p0 build an optimized subroutine parameter validator
p5-PlRPC-0.2020p0   module for writing rpc servers and clients
p5-RSS-Parser-Lite-0.12p0 simple and pure Perl RSS parser
p5-Ref-Util-0.204p0 utility functions for checking references
p5-Ref-Util-XS-0.117p0 utility functions for checking references (XS version)
p5-Regexp-Common-2017060201p0 provide commonly requested regular expressions
p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004 minimalist role composition tool
p5-SOAP-Lite-1.20p0 client and server-side SOAP implementation
p5-SQL-Statement-1.414 SQL parsing and processing engine
p5-Socket6-0.29p0   Perl defines relating to AF_INET6 sockets
p5-Sort-Naturally-1.03p0 sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically
p5-Specio-0.47      type constraints and coercions for Perl
p5-Sub-Exporter-0.988 sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013p0 only use Sub::Exporter if you need it  
p5-Sub-HandlesVia-0.016 alternative handles_via implementation
p5-Sub-Identify-0.14p0 retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Install-0.928p0 helper for installing code into packages
p5-Sub-Name-0.26p0  (re)name a sub
p5-Sub-Quote-2.006006p0 efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
p5-Task-Weaken-1.06p0 ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Tcl-1.05p0       Tcl extension module for Perl
p5-Text-German-0.06p1 German grundform reduction
p5-Throwable-1.000  role for classes that can be thrown
p5-Time-TimeDate-2.33 library for parsing and formatting dates and times
p5-Try-Tiny-0.31    minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
p5-Type-Tiny-1.012004 tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
p5-URI-5.10         library to parse Uniform Resource Identifiers
p5-URI-Find-20160806 find URIs in arbitrary text
p5-Universal-moniker-0.08p2 Perl module for aliasing class names
p5-Variable-Magic-0.62p0 associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02p0 database of robots.txt-derived permissions
p5-XML-Elemental-2.11p1 generic classes for simplistic handling of XML data
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12p1 perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
p5-XML-Parser-2.46  perl module for parsing XML documents
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-0.722p0 lightweight regexp-based XML parser
p5-XML-RSS-Parser-4.0p3 liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
p5-XML-SAX-1.02p0   framework for the Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters and drivers
p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09p0 base class for SAX drivers and filters
p5-libwww-6.61      library for WWW access in Perl
p5-namespace-autoclean-0.29p0 keep imports out of your namespace
p5-namespace-clean-0.27p0 keep imports and functions out of your namespace
p5-strictures-2.000006 turn on strict and make most warnings fatal
pcre-8.44           perl-compatible regular expression library
pcre2-10.37         perl-compatible regular expression library, version 2
pecl74-imagick-3.7.0p0 PHP support for the ImageMagick library
pecl74-redis-5.3.7p0 PHP interface to redis
php-7.4.30          server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-bz2-7.4.30      bzip2 compression extensions for php
php-curl-7.4.30     curl URL library extensions for php
php-gd-7.4.30       image manipulation extensions for php
php-gmp-7.4.30      gmp math library support for php
php-imap-7.4.30     imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
php-intl-7.4.30     intl library support for php
php-ldap-7.4.30     ldap protocol extensions for php
php-mysqli-7.4.30   mysql database access extensions for php
php-pcntl-7.4.30    PCNTL extensions for php
php-pdo_mysql-7.4.30 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_pgsql-7.4.30 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
php-zip-7.4.30      zip functions for php
pico-5.09p25        UW text editor
pinentry-1.2.0p0    PIN or passphrase entry dialog (ncurses interface)
pkg_mgr-0.2.3p3     user-friendly package browser and manager
pkglocatedb-1.5     database of packages for use with locate(1)
plan9port-20210323  Plan 9 from user space
png-1.6.37          library for manipulating PNG images
postgresql-client-14.3 PostgreSQL RDBMS (client)
postgresql-server-14.3 PostgreSQL RDBMS (server)
profanity-0.11.1    console based XMPP client
protobuf-3.19.3     c++ protocol buffers
protobuf-c-1.4.0    c protocol buffers
ps2eps-1.68p0       convert Postscript to Encapsulated Postscript
psutils-2.08p0      utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
py-pip-20.3.4p3     tool for installing Python packages
py-setuptools-44.1.1p0v0 simplified packaging system for Python modules
py3-cffi-1.13.2p4   Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
py3-cparser-2.19p2  C parser in pure Python
py3-cryptography-36.0.1 cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
py3-pip-22.0.4      tool for installing Python packages
py3-setuptools-57.4.0p0v0 simplified packaging system for Python modules
py3-wheel-0.36.2p1  built-package format for Python
python-2.7.18p7     interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-3.8.13p0     interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-3.9.13       interpreted object-oriented programming language
qdbm-1.8.78p2       high performance embedded database library
quirks-5.5          exceptions to pkg_add rules
re2c-3.0            C-based regular expression scanner generator
readline-7.0p0      library to edit command lines as they are typed in
redis-6.2.7         persistent key-value database
rhash-1.4.2         utility and library for computing hash sums
rspamd-3.2          event-driven spam filtering system in C/Lua
rsync-3.2.3p1       mirroring/synchronization over low bandwidth links
sacc-1.01           simple console gopher client
sam-4.3.20190427p0  X11 version of Rob Pike's editor, sam
screen-4.9.0        multi-screen window manager
sdl2-2.0.20         cross-platform multimedia library
shared-mime-info-2.2 shared mime database for desktops
shellcheck-0.8.0    shell script analysis tool
sic-1.2p1           simple irc client
slrn-1.0.3          SLang-based newsreader
snappy-1.1.9        fast compression/decompression library
socat-       relay for bidirectional data transfer
spatialindex-1.9.3  library for spatial indexing and querying
speedtest-cli-2.1.3p0 command-line client for bandwidth tester
speex-1.2.0         patent-free speech codec
speexdsp-1.2.0      speech processing DSP library
sqlite3-3.38.3      embedded SQL implementation
sqlite3-tcl-3.34.0  Tcl bindings for SQLite3
sqlports-7.36p0     sqlite database of ports
swirc-3.3.3         curses icb and irc client
t1utils-1.42        utilities for PostScript Type 1 fonts
tcl-8.5.19p5        Tool Command Language
tcl-8.6.8p3         Tool Command Language
tcllib-1.19pl0      Tcl Standard Library
tclthread-2.8.2     thread extension for Tcl
tcltls-1.6p3        OpenSSL Tcl extension
tcsh-6.22.04        extended C-shell with many useful features
tdom-0.9.1          fast XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT/HTML/JSON extension for Tcl
texlive_base-2021p0 base binaries for TeXLive typesetting distribution
texlive_mktexlsr-2021 mktexlsr for TeXLive typesetting distribution
texlive_synctex-2021 synctex for TeXLive typesetting distribution
texlive_texmf-buildset-2021 smallest texlive texmf for building ports
texlive_texmf-full-2021 texlive texmf for extra macros
texlive_texmf-minimal-2021 texlive texmf for basic functionality
tiff-4.4.0          tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tigervnc-1.12.0p1v0 high performance, multi-platform VNC client and server
tinyscheme-1.42     lightweight Scheme implementation with subset of R5RS
tmate-2.4.0p5       instant terminal sharing based on tmux
tor-         anonymity service using onion routing
torsocks-2.2.0p0    socks proxy for use with tor
tre-0.8.0p4         lightweight regexp matching library with additional features
u9fs-20110118p0     serve 9P from Unix
ubuntu-fonts-0.83p2 unicode sans-serif/monospace TrueType fonts from Ubuntu
unibilium-2.1.0     very basic terminfo library
unzip-6.0p15        extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
vim-8.2.4600-no_x11 vi clone, many additional features
vis-0.7p0           vi-like editor with sam-style structural regex support
w3m-0.5.3pl20210102p0 pager/text-based web browser
weechat-3.4.1       fast, light and extensible chat client
wget-1.21.3         retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
x264-20220205       free H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoder
x265-3.5p0          free H.265/HEVC encoder
xdg-utils-1.1.3p1   utilities to assist desktop integration tasks
xvidcore-1.3.7      ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xz-5.2.5p1          LZMA compression and decompression tools
youtube-dl-2021.12.17 CLI program to download videos from YouTube and other sites
zh-fonts-arphicttf-2.11p4 chinese big5/gb truetype fonts
zh-fonts-kc-1.05p2  extra chinese fonts
zh-libchewing-0.5.1p0 intelligent phonetic input method library
zh-libpinyin-2.3.0  library to deal with pinyin
zh-wqy-bitmapfont- Wen Quan Yi bitmap song CJK fonts
zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf-0.9.45 Wen Quan Yi Zen Hei outline font
zip-3.0p1           create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZip(tm)
znc-1.8.2p2         advanced IRC bouncer
zsh-5.8.1           Z shell, Bourne shell-compatible
zstd-1.5.2          zstandard fast real-time compression algorithm
zziplib-0.13.62p1   lightweight library for extracting data from zip files