
ImageMagick- image processing tools
alpine-2.21p5       UW e-mail client
anthy-9100hp2       japanese input method
antiword-0.37p0     converts MSWord Documents to ASCII Text and PostScript
apr-1.6.5p0         Apache Portable Runtime
apr-util-1.6.1p2    companion library to APR
argon2-20190702     C implementation of Argon2 - password hashing function
aspell-  spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell
autoconf-2.69p3     automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
automake-1.11.6p3   GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
bash-5.0.18         GNU Bourne Again Shell
boost-1.67.0p0      free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
bzip2-1.0.8         block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cmake-3.17.2p0v0    portable build system
coreutils-8.32      file, shell and text manipulation utilities
curl-7.72.0         transfer files with FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.
cvsps-2.1p2         generate patchsets from CVS repositories
cyrus-sasl-2.1.27p1 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
db-4.6.21p7v0       Berkeley DB package, revision 4
djvulibre-3.5.27p6  view, decode and encode DjVu files
dkimproxy-1.4.1p1   SMTP proxy to verify or add DKIM signatures
docx2txt-1.4p0      command line converter from Microsoft docx to ASCII text
dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
ee-1.5.2p2v0        easy to use text editor
elvis-2.2.0p5-no_x11 clone of the ex/vi text editor
emacs-27.1-no_x11   GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
epic4-2.10.5p1      (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
fdm-2.0p0           fetch, filter and deliver mail
fetchmail-6.4.12p0  mail retrieval utility for POP2, POP3, KPOP, IMAP and more
figlet-2.2.5        generates ASCII banner art
g++-8.4.0           GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
gawk-5.1.0          GNU awk
gcc-8.4.0           GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
geomyidae-0.34      Gopher protocol daemon
giflib-5.1.6        tools and library routines for working with GIF images
git-2.28.0          distributed version control system
glib2-2.64.5        general-purpose utility library
gmake-4.3           GNU make
gnuchess-6.2.7      chess program
gnupg-1.4.23p4      GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnupg-2.2.23p0      GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
go-1.15.2           Go programming language
got-0.42            game of trees version control system
groff-1.22.4p3      GNU troff typesetter
htop-3.0.1          interactive process viewer
icu4c-67.1          International Components for Unicode
iftop-1.0pre4p2     display bandwidth usage on an interface
ii-1.7p3            minimalist IRC client
iniparser-3.1p1     ini file parsing library
ircII-20190117      Internet Relay Chat client
irssi-1.2.2p4       modular IRC client with many features
irssi-otr-1.2.2p4   OTR (off-the-record) plugin for irssi
jasper-2.0.14       reference implementation of JPEG-2000
jbigkit-2.1         lossless image compression library, with lightweight version
jpeg-2.0.5v0        SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec replacement of libjpeg
jq-1.6p0            lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
jsoncpp-1.8.4p2     JSON parsing C++ API
lcms2-2.9p0         color management library
ledger-3.1.3        command line double-entry accounting ledger
libarchive-3.4.3    multi-format archive and compression library
libb2-0.98.1v0      library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libcares-1.13.0     asynchronous resolver library
libffi-3.3          Foreign Function Interface
libiconv-1.16p0     character set conversion library
libident-0.32p1     library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libidn2-2.3.0p0     implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libraw-0.20.0       library for reading RAW files
libtasn1-4.16.0     Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library
libunbound-1.11.0   validating DNS resolver library
libunistring-0.9.7  manipulate Unicode strings
libutf8proc-2.4.0p0 unicode library
libuv-1.30.1        multi-platform library for asynchronous I/O
libwebp-1.1.0       Google WebP image format conversion tool
libxml++-2.40.1p2   C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
libxml++3-3.2.0     C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
libxml-2.9.10p2     XML parsing library
libxslt-1.1.34p0    XSLT C Library for GNOME
links-1.03p0        text browser, displays while downloading
lua-5.3.5           powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.3.5)
lynx-2.8.9rel1p0    text web browser
lz4-1.9.2p0         fast BSD-licensed data compression
mariadb-client-10.5.6v1 multithreaded SQL database (client)
mariadb-server-10.5.6v1 multithreaded SQL database (server)
mawk- fast POSIX-compliant awk
mcabber-1.1.0p4     console jabber client
mercurial-5.5       fast, lightweight source control management
mosh-1.3.2p5        mobile shell
multitail-6.4.2p0   multi-window tail(1) utility
mutt-1.14.7v3-sasl  tty-based e-mail client
nano-5.2            simple editor, inspired by Pico
neovim-0.4.4        continuation and extension of Vim
newsboat-2.21       RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
nghttp2-1.41.0p1    library for HTTP/2
ngircd-26           lightweight irc server
node-12.16.1p1      V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
nvi-2.2.0           ex/vi text editor with wide character support
oath-toolkit-2.6.2p2 toolkit for OATH/HOTP and TOTP
oidentd-2.0.8p1     ident daemon with custom responses and NAT support
openjp2-2.3.1p0     open-source JPEG 2000 codec library
opensmtpd-extras-6.7.1v0 extras for smtpd
p11-kit-0.23.21     library for loading and enumerating PKCS#11 modules
p5-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.11p2 extensions to Class::DBI for SQLite
p5-DBD-SQLite-1.50p3v0 SQLite drivers for the Perl DBI
p5-DBD-mysql-4.050p0 MySQL drivers for the Perl DBI
p5-DBI-1.641        unified perl interface for database access
p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.07p0 adds support for https to p5-libwww
p5-libwww-6.27p0    library for WWW access in Perl
pcre-8.41p2         perl-compatible regular expression library
php-7.4.12          server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-gd-7.4.12       image manipulation extensions for php
php-sqlite3-7.4.12  sqlite3 database access extension for php
pico-5.09p20        UW text editor
pkglocatedb-1.5     database of packages for use with locate(1)
png-1.6.37          library for manipulating PNG images
profanity-0.9.5     console based XMPP client
py-pip-20.1.1p0     tool for installing Python packages
py-requests-2.22.0p1 elegant and simple HTTP library for Python
py3-neovim-0.4.1    Python plugin support for Neovim
py3-pip-20.1.1p0    tool for installing Python packages
python-3.8.6p0      interpreted object-oriented programming language
quirks-3.440        exceptions to pkg_add rules
rhash-1.4.0         utility and library for computing hash sums
rlwrap-0.43p0       generic readline wrapper for various programs
rsync-3.2.3         mirroring/synchronization over low bandwidth links
ruby-2.7.1p1        object oriented script language with threads
rust-1.46.0         compiler for Rust Language
sacc-1.01           simple console gopher client
screen-4.8.0        multi-screen window manager
sic-1.2p1           simple irc client
slrn-1.0.3          SLang-based newsreader
sqlite-2.8.17p5     Embedded SQL implementation
sqlite3-3.31.1p0    embedded SQL implementation
strongswan-5.9.0    IPsec-based VPN software (IKEv1/IKEv2) with XAUTH and EAP
subversion-1.14.0p0 subversion revision control system
tcl-8.6.8p2         Tool Command Language
tcllib-1.19pl0      Tcl Standard Library
tcltls-1.6p3        OpenSSL Tcl extension
tcsh-6.22.02        extended C-shell with many useful features
tdom-0.9.1          fast XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT/HTML/JSON extension for Tcl
tiff-4.1.0          tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tree-0.62           print ascii formatted tree of a directory structure
trn-4.0.77p2        threaded newsreader
uim-1.8.8p2         multilingual input method library
uim-chewing-0.1.0p2 chewing input method for uim
unzip-6.0p13        extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
vim-8.2.1805-no_x11 vi clone, many additional features
w3m-0.5.3p8         pager/text-based web browser
weechat-2.9         fast, light and extensible chat client
wget-1.20.3p3       retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
wkhtmltopdf-0.12.5p2 convert HTML to PDF using Webkit
xlsx2csv-20200427211949 convert XLSX files to CSV
xz-5.2.5            LZMA compression and decompression tools
zh-fonts-arphicttf-2.11p4 chinese big5/gb truetype fonts
zh-fonts-kc-1.05p2  extra chinese fonts
zh-libchewing-0.5.1p0 intelligent phonetic input method library
zh-libpinyin-2.3.0  library to deal with pinyin
zh-wqy-bitmapfont- Wen Quan Yi bitmap song CJK fonts
zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf-0.9.45 Wen Quan Yi Zen Hei outline font
zip-3.0p1           create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZip(tm)
znc-1.7.5           advanced IRC bouncer
zstd-1.4.5p0        zstandard fast real-time compression algorithm