Firstly set CVSROOT:
if you have the CVS remotely: $ export CVSROOT=""
if you have the CVS localy: $ export CVSROOT="/home/username/CVS"
Note: Add that to your .profile, it will help you a lot
Then init the CVS: $ cvs init
Then import your files: $ cd SOURCEFOLDER; cvs import REPONAME YOURNAME VERSIONNAME
Note: The VERSIONNAME cannot have a '$.,:;#' in it
Then to start, stay inside the SOURCEFOLDER and execute: $ cvs checkout REPONAME
Note: checkout only needed on first time
Then cd into REPONAME and make your changes
Note: You are allowed to move the checked out folder
Once you are done making changes:
Commit the changes: $ cvs commit
(Or if you wait to do it the quick way: $ cvs commit -m "COMMITMSG"
Then it depends on if you have it remotely if you need to do some more steps