
This guide will help you woth installing thelounge webirc client

Add the following packages nodejs, python gcc make
$doas pkg_add yarn python gcc make node
$useradd -m thelounge 

Now switch to thelounge user on openbsd
$doas su thelounge 
$doas npm install thelounge

Ran it on localhost & used relayd to manage its certs and subdomain to listen

edit /etc/relayd.conf add the following lines to relayd.conf


table <znc> { $localhost }
table <webirc> { $localhost }

tls { keypair }

match request header "Host" value "" forward to <webirc>

relay wwwtls {
        listen on $ip4 port 443 tls
        protocol https
        forward to <www> port 80 check icmp
        forward to <znc> port 1338 check icmp
        forward to <webirc> port 9001 mode loadbalance check icmp

relay www6tls {
        listen on $ip6 port 443 tls
        protocol https
        forward to <www> port 80 check icmp
        forward to <znc> port 1338 check icmp
        forward to <webirc> port 9001 mode loadbalance check icmp

be sure to change your name from to

now edit /etc/httpd.conf add the following lines to your httpd.conf

server "" {
        listen on * port 80
	location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
                root "/acme"
                request strip 2
        location * {
                block return 302 "https://$HTTP_HOST$REQUEST_URI"
        connection max request body 104857600
        log access "webirc_access.log"
        log error "webirc_error.log"

make sure you have the dns setup for nsd to resolve your host

then run this to restart relayd and httpd $doas rcctl restart relayd httpd

Now Edit /home/thelounge/.thelounge/config.js

public: true,
host: "",
port: 9001,
reverseProxy: false,
maxHistory: 10000,

https: {
		enable: false,
		key: "/home/thelounge/",
		certificate: "/home/thelounge/",
		ca: "/home/thelounge/dhparam.pem",

theme: "thelounge-theme-solarized",

prefetch: true,
disableMediaPreview: false,
prefetchStorage: true,
prefetchMaxImageSize: 2048,
prefetchMaxSearchSize: 50,

fileUpload: {
		enable: false,
		maxFileSize: 10240,
		baseUrl: null,

transports: ["polling", "websocket"],
leaveMessage: "NaStYcOdE WebIRC",

// ## Default network
defaults: {
		name: "IRCNOW",
		host: "",
		port: 6697,
		password: "",
		tls: true,
		rejectUnauthorized: true,
		nick: "Guest%%%",
		username: "thelounge",
		realname: "The Lounge User",
		join: "#nastycode, #IRCNOW, #Team, #pnc, #waterboygospellyrics",
		leaveMessage: "IRCNOW, IRC Forever..!",

// ### `lockNetwork`
lockNetwork: true,

// This value is set to `["sqlite", "text"]` by default.
messageStorage: ["sqlite", "text"],

// ### `useHexIp`
useHexIp: false,

// ## WEBIRC support
webirc: null,

add the following to your /etc/acme-client.conf {
        #alternative names { }
        domain key "/etc/ssl/private/"
        domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/"
        sign with letsencrypt

make sure to run the acme-client to create your certificate and keys so that your https will work

$doas acme-client -Fv

be sure to change to your hostname of your vps!!

then run this as thelounge user $doas su thelounge $doas /home/thelounge/node_modules/.bin/thelounge install $doas /home/thelounge/node_modules/.bin/thelounge start to start thelounge

Hope this gets your webirc client up and going but if you need help please email for mpre info on getting help with this program!